Sunday, February 7, 2010


Vent time. Doesn't happen often on my blog, so don't get used to it. KHADFGKJLHASKLJGHASKJGBHASJKGBSKJFH'LASKBGJ;hadgskhaklhgklhaoghHKJGAH;AHGKJhkl;hlhagajhkjhgjkfhjkldhflghdkjlfghkjdfghkjladfhgkldfghkjadgklnkjgabjghiufbkjanhkghkjghakjlghkjdsfhgkjhfgkjlshkgjlhdsjklghsjlk. *sigh*

Okay. So, I'll be honest guys, I'm near the breaking moment. Too many thoughts, responsibilities and weights on my shoulders. Why can't Satan take a holiday or ten?

I guess I'm just afraid of what comes next. My dad tried to talk me into staying in Mississippi today...I want to say yes...but I'm frustrated that my head and heart don't agree with each other. I'm tired. I'm confused. I'm feel like I'm losing my mind sometimes. I'm being pelted at the time in my life that is least convenient (how clever Satan is) So I guess what I really asking for is prayer, please. It's been working, it does work. And I need it.

I remember falling in love with the idea of heroes, honor, laughter, and light as a kid playing dress up. That hasn't changed, and God willing, it never will. That's why I care so much about the things that many people consider childish, confusing and sometimes "impossible". Well you know what world? It's kind of fun to do the impossible, so hold tight. The problem? So few of the people in this world are willing to believe in goodness, light, love, dreams, beauty...or if they do, only in the broad sense. Why have so many forgotten that it's the children that will see the Kingdom of God? Don't we believe anymore? Isn't "happily ever after" the mentality we should have? Is it so easy to see the world in a negative light? Why am I starting to see it that way? I won't, can't, and shan't be anything other than what I am called to be. I'm a man seeking God's heart, a child believing in a dream, a wanderer not sure where to start, a sinner that's been redeemed. I need to pray, and I need prayer. I guess I just need to make sense of all the whys. God can do it, I can let Him. Thanks for always being there for me my friends. I'll do the same, I'm not out of this battle...I just need a breather. I'm a soldier whose gun is out of ammo, and who feels shell-shocked. But the best physician in the world is coming to patch me up. Keep fighting my friends, darkness won't take a day off...we can't afford to either....

Speaking of prayer and Jesus. *Side note for a friend* This one's for you JM - Romans 6:12-23, it covers the thing that the group you mentioned is doing and needs to be confronted about. I know it's hard, but God put you there for a reason (And you're strong enough in Him to do it right) And don't forget that it just takes a single light in the darkness to shine. Be the light! (I've got your back my friend)