Sunday, August 29, 2010

I will bring Praise!

Desert Song. That's the song that has been running through my head ever since this morning.

"...I will bring praise, I will bring praise, no weapon formed against me shall remain!"

I've never had so much inner peace as I've had since Fort Worth.

The inner peace comes when something else is traded for it desire to be in control. Something I could never bring myself to give up. And then it clicked! All I had to do was realize that it took MORE control to not be in control than I had in being in control did.

A paradox. My favorites :)

If you've ever wondered why I adamantly believe in God with every fiber of my's seriously because of His incredible use of paradoxes and constant confusion that He leads me through. Only God Himself could and would exist in such a way as to turn my world upside-down...and make me realize something about that upside-down world...I never really cared for it at all, all I ever wanted was Him. It made too much sense, and I've never looked back. Besides, I realized at the time, if I can understand God's perspective...then God is not really God anyway, is He?

My thoughts are not your thoughts. My ways are not your ways.

I wanted to save the world. I couldn't. I wanted life to be about me. It isn't. I wanted to be physically strong. It wasn't me. I wanted to be the best. I'm not. I wanted to understand. I don't. I wanted to seem wise. Should a truly wise person desire to "appear" wise? No. In the end, everything in my life has always been summed up by two words:

I wanted

Now I want to want Him. Now I'm scared to keep asking Him to take me all the way...but I'm even more afraid not to ask....

God has given me innumerable chances, and keeps on going.

Am I messed up? Yep. Am I ready? Nope. Am I okay with following a God who says: "I'll show you your next steps...but for now...only one step at a time." Why yes, yes I am.

If all I ever had from today on out was all this world could throw...I wouldn't hesitate to still follow You my Lord...where every You ask me, I'll go. For you alone, are my solid ground. My peace is found in You. My Jesus how I trust the peace, for the peace of God stands true!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Something Beautiful

I love the meaning and heart behind this song :)

Dedication - Samwise Chambers

I'm dedicating this post to Sam Chambers, a solid Christian brother and dear friend. Let it not be said that I forget to dedicate on time Master Samwise ;)

So anyways, I was speaking to Sam earlier today, catching up, since I hadn't spoken to him since he'd moved out. And, in our conversation, he mentioned that he had been thinking about how the greatest calling we had in each of our lives is to be a...servant. Wow, in my head I know this...but having it stated out loud seems to give it even more power and significance :)

Sam, since I've met you, I've looked up to you.

You're willing to be compassionate, sincere, and to show your emotions. Yet you are a man's man and are not afraid to take risks or to stand up for what you believe is right. There are very few renaissance men left, and not a large number of cowboys or gentleman either...yet you've managed to combine the three. I love you and Heather both, and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that yours is a relationship that is God-honoring. I count it an honor and privilege to stand beside you as your brother in Christ. And I'll always be willing to back you up, even to the gates of Hell and back, if that's where you needed me! I praise God for friends like you good sir! A servant and a leader, a fighter and a healer, and doer and a dreamer...may these be the qualities that you always embody. God be with you.

Your Brother,


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Submission can be a dangerous word. Submitting to someone is very serious. Submitting is difficult, period.

And yet, it's the only hope our marriage to Christ has.

Don't get me wrong, I don't use the word, submission, lightly...and I don't use it in a negative light, though I'm sure it can be seen by some that way.

The word submit doesn't appear much in scripture. But it does appear in the letter to the Ephesians (in chapter 5:21). "Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ."

To submit means, "to place yourself under something, to give allegiance, to tend to the needs of, to be responsive."

Part of being called to follow Christ is following His example, His sacrifice, His giving His life for ours. In layman's terms, people are worth dying for.

That's right, I said it and meant it, people are worth dying for.

One of my favorite Disney movies is Hercules. There's this part that always touches my heart the most it's a moment where Hercules jumps into the "river of death" to free the soul of the girl that he loves. Admittedly he doesn't die, but he had been willing to die for her. And we are called to an even higher standard, an even greater love...we aren't just called to die for those we love the most....

And I know that I'm not the only one that stirs in moments like that, like the scene in Hercules...why are those moments so powerful? Because we know it to be true. And when we see it happen, it awakens a strength in our hearts too.

Jesus said that there was no greater love a person could have than to lay down their life for another. So if we know that's true...than we can and do agree that people are worth dying for.

Off topic aren't we Daniel?

Nope. Because dying to ourselves in no different than dying a physical death...both mean letting go.

Die to yourself so that other people can live.

Admittedly, the verses in Ephesians 5 that I'm looking at start explaining that the wife must submit to her husband. But it continues on to state that husbands should love their wives in the same way that Christ loved the church...and gave himself up for her.

Tracking with me yet?

Christ's "headship" comes from his giving himself up for the church, his bride, us.

His sacrifice.

His surrender.

His willingness to give himself away for her. For you. For me.

His death.

Jesus is ultimate example of Submission. One word: Crucifixion

So ultimately, whatever authority the word "head" carries with it is rooted in the sacrifice of Christ, and therefore the sacrifice of each of us that believe we are over or above anyone else.

This is one of the reasons why I love Jesus so much. He's so...well...full of paradoxes. :)

When we wait for someone to submit to us...we are actually failing to lead. We start to believe we are strong leaders, but in reality we are weak and misguided. True leadership and responsibility requires us to surrender what we want from someone...even if we lose what we wanted.

Can you surrender your desires, wants, and plans for someone else?

In a relationship between husband and wife, can he die to his need to be in control and do whatever it takes to serve her, to make sure she has everything she needs. For that would be dying to himself so that she could live. Btw, Fireproof is an excellent movie that shows the true meaning of learning to submit in love....

"But Daniel...I'm not married...stop bringing up scenarios that don't apply..."

Wrong. Each of us is the bride of Christ. So we've already been the recipient of this love, this submission.

And in the same way, each of us lives a life as a "husband" figure, at least metaphorically. Every one of us will at some point in one of our some sort of "head". And in that moment, can we they can live?

Think about your closest friendships. The ones that have been through the fire. How often do you ask who's in charge? Hopefully never. Over time you've built up trust and love and power and control are irrelevant. When we start mutually submitting to each other...being in charge no longer matters.

And now, the last paradox of the night. I have a ring that I wear, it has a Scripture/ poetic phrase written in Hebrew on it. The phrase?

"I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine."
I wear the ring to remind me of one very important thing:

Nobody belongs to themself. I don't belong to me, I belong to God and to those that I care for. I therefore must willingly die to myself that those that God has put in my life can live their lives the way they've been called to.

Submission and death lead to power and life.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Don't Quit

God has gifted you, don't waste it. "Who's next?" :)

That Name

I can't get in her head! I've lost my control!

No, it's not my fault...It's the saints...and the Host...they're guarding her!

That's not true! I was right there! I sat on her shoulder...

Yes, she believed every word, and was starting to act on them!

I used her past against her. Guilt, regret, hurt, shame, doubt...

Yes! I used each of those as well.


I was so close!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One of the saints prayed with her...I couldn't stay....I lost my grip....

She's in fellowship with "Him" again, I......

We tried!

The angels guard her now, the saints are aware of me...I...I'm finished....

That name. That name. So much power...that's just not fair....that name...

"I love you for you, not for what you have done or what you will become."

Monday, August 23, 2010

"Do You Trust Me?"

Today is the second Monday in my commitment to take a day of rest. And I'm quite looking forward to a lack of contact and phone calls. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't enjoy talking to each of my friends throughout a's the feeling of trust that I have to put into not making a day about anything "constructive".

I use the quotation marks to point out the fact that resting in God is one of the most constructive things any of us can do. It's just that it's something I'm still learning to do.

Today, Sunday I mean, was an incredible day. I woke up to a text from a friend, a psalm reminding me to trust in God, not in self. Then I did my daily reading with my Life Journal and the verses for the day were Jeremiah 29:11-13:

"For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me."

And as if that were not enough, I looked at my calendar once I got in the car to go to church, the quote of the day was: "Whenever you're not finding it easy to trust God...that's when you need to trust in Him the most."

I felt ecstatic, you see I have been praying for the last 4 days for God to teach me to trust in Him. And this morning, when I woke up, I decided to state that I would go where He leads and wouldn't hesitate, but I asked Him to show me the way. He did, 3 times in a period of 30 minutes, He reminded me of power that moves mountains, but took it even further.

His response to my asking to learn how to trust Him: Trust Me Daniel, I've got plans for your life. Keep praying and seeking, you will be used by Me if you are willing to open yourself up to trusting Me again."

My faith has been different since the Trip to Fort Worth, I didn't plan it that way. And honestly, I didn't ask for it either. But God knew what I was lacking, and He's determined that I lay everything else down as "not important" compared to Him. And all I can do is smile and say, "I finally get it!"

I've started a 90 day read-through of the entire Bible, at the challenge of one of my friends. At first I was afraid I couldn't maintain the schedule, but now I realize that I'm loving it. There are definitely hard days, but I told God that I could do it. How did He repay me? Matt came to me, 4 days after committing to the challenge (again with the #4). He's asked me to teach every Sunday evening for the next 12 weeks! I can't wait :)

I've made the correlation. And I'm an idiot for not figuring it out sooner...God wants us to let go...before we are given to. He wants us to drop, to receive. He wants us to take a step of faith, for Him to prove that we should trust Him.

It's time to go to bed, and it's time for me to ask God to take me a step farther. I'm learning how to trust His will and I want to learn how to have the faith that moves mountains, it's a comin :)

My son, do you trust Me?

Yes Father, with all my heart! :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Remember the Titans

I'm currently watching Remember the Titans in my room. It's one of my favorite movies, probably because I can't watch it without remembering that the best things in life are worth fighting for.

"All right, now, I don't want them to gain *another yard!* * You blitz... all... night!* If they cross the line of scrimmage, I'm gonna take every last one of you out! You make sure they remember, *forever*, the night they played the Titans!"

I have been called in life to stand for one thing and one thing alone, my Savior.

"But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus--the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God." ~ Acts 20:24

Sometimes I fear that I won't have the strength to hold the "line" against the Enemy. And then I remember, there are others holding this "defensive line" with me. And Christ tells me that my work is not done, I can't lose focus or take my eyes of each day's "God-incidences".

If I've learned one thing in my life, it's this:

Trust in God's plan, no matter what, good or bad, pain or peace, God is still in control and will not ask you to make a "play" that you aren't supposed to make. Remember the Titans.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


My day is just now coming to an end. I'm exhausted, I haven't even done everything I should have done today.... But I will trust in one thing and one thing alone, I have a endless source of strength and peace. And He's the reason for the season...the season known as life.

Monday, August 16, 2010

What Do I Know Of Holy?

One of my friends shared this song with me recently, while I was explaining how little I feared God...something I've regretted heavily. But regrets aren't bad...if they lead us to make things right...if they spur us on! And that's exactly what I'm going to start doing :)

Today is the start of me slowing down once a week, I've discovered that it's hard to hear God when my "schedule" interferes...isn't that sad? He's God, and I can't even give Him a portion of the time that He's given me on this earth. Wow, talk about arrogance on my part, or perhaps stupidity anyway. Two traits that I'm not proud of.

Anyways, I love this song, it's my heart and prayer. I value relationships with those I care about and love, but only for the last year have I truly started treating my Savior like that. And though He has my heart as His permanent captive, I want to give Him my reverence, belief in miracles, passion, thoughts, dreams, and life as well.

So this is my prayer today, whatever else comes my way in life I'll be flexible and listen to Your calling...but may I never be flexible where you fit in my heart Lord. You are my Alpha and Omega, my purpose and the only one that can save a wretch like me. I won't treat that lightly. And should I ever falter in that, do whatever you have to do to bring me back, no matter the cost.

After all, what do I know of Holy?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ronan Keating - I Hope You Dance

Friday, August 13, 2010

All you have to do... is Listen

"Listen. Can you hear it? The music. I can hear it everywhere. In the wind... in the air... in the light. It's all around us. All you have to do is open yourself up. All you have to do... is listen." ~ August Rush

"You know what music is? God's little reminder that there's something else besides us in this universe, a harmonic connection between all living beings, every where, even the stars." ~ August Rush

Tonight, it all fits. Everything good and everything bad, they all lead me to only one thing: Jesus, how I need you.

The music in my life, is God. The love in my life, is God. The peace with whatever the future holds, is God. The joy that overflows inside of me, is God. All that really matters, is God.

"Looking back, I see the lead of Love!"

Keep your dream alive...dreamin is how the strong survive, once upon a time in New York City!

Everyday when you're walking down the street...everybody that you meet has an original point of view...

Lead me with strong hands, stand up when I can't. Don't leave me, hungry for love, chasing things...but what about us? Show me, you're willing to fight...

Ruin my life, the plans that I've made. Ruin desires for my own selfish gains! Destroy the idols that have taken Your place! Till it's You alone I live for, You alone I live for!

She looked this way, I thought I saw, and when we touched she didn't shudder at my paw. No it can't be, I'll just ignore...but then she's never looked at me that way before....

You've got the limo out front...

I used to roll the dice. Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes...Listen as the crowd would sing: Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!

Everybody look left, everybody look right, everywhere you look...I'm standing spotlight!

For what it's worth, it was worth all the while. It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of your life.

Sometimes ignorance rings true. But hope is not in what I know. It's not in me, it's in You, it's in You.

"...but with God all things are possible." ~Matthew 19:26

I'll be singing all night I'm afraid :)

"And even though I'm walking through the valley of the shadow, I will hold tight to the hand of Him whose love will comfort me..."

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Send Me

"Don't go there it's too dangerous." - Then count me in.

"It's a place of pure darkness." - A candle shines brightest in the darkest room.

"It can't be done." - Nothing is impossible with God.

"You don't know what you're doing." - True, but God does.

"There are certain places that you can't reach or preach." - I'll dance right up to the gates of Hell singing and preaching the Good News...bring it Satan!

"You don't know the cost." - My Savior did.

"You're insane." - True, but all the best people are ;) (Paraphrasing Alice and Wonderland)

"If you do this then there will be no coming back." - I better keep going forward then!

May the God who performs miracles break through to our hearts, minds, and souls :) Amen

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lead Me

"Why, if I had to pick a day to fly, oh, this would be it!" ~ Quasimodo, Hunchback of Notre Dame

God's all in. I'm ready to do the same. No turning back. No worrying about the pain. No worrying about the future. No worrying about the past. I'm here. Wherever I am placed, may I love unconditionally. Whenever I fall, may I keep going. Whenever I judge, may I be judged. Whenever I lie, may I be caught. Whenever I hurt, may I be hurt. Whenever I am in the right, may the glory go to my Lord and King.

"...And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" ~Isaiah 6:8

"So Father, give me the strength
To be everything I am called to be
Oh, Father, show me the way
To lead them
Won't you lead me?

To lead them with strong hands
To stand up when they can't
Don't want to leave them hungry for love
Chasing things that I could give up

I'll show them I'm willing to fight
And give them the best of my life
So we can call this out home
Lead me, 'cause I can't do this alone

Father, lead me, 'cause I can't do this alone"