Tuesday, August 24, 2010

That Name

I can't get in her head! I've lost my control!

No, it's not my fault...It's the saints...and the Host...they're guarding her!

That's not true! I was right there! I sat on her shoulder...

Yes, she believed every word, and was starting to act on them!

I used her past against her. Guilt, regret, hurt, shame, doubt...

Yes! I used each of those as well.


I was so close!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One of the saints prayed with her...I couldn't stay....I lost my grip....

She's in fellowship with "Him" again, I......

We tried!

The angels guard her now, the saints are aware of me...I...I'm finished....

That name. That name. So much power...that Name......it's just not fair....that name...

"I love you for you, not for what you have done or what you will become."


Anonymous said...


Rick Renfroe said...

This. =. amazing(ness).