Monday, August 16, 2010

What Do I Know Of Holy?

One of my friends shared this song with me recently, while I was explaining how little I feared God...something I've regretted heavily. But regrets aren't bad...if they lead us to make things right...if they spur us on! And that's exactly what I'm going to start doing :)

Today is the start of me slowing down once a week, I've discovered that it's hard to hear God when my "schedule" interferes...isn't that sad? He's God, and I can't even give Him a portion of the time that He's given me on this earth. Wow, talk about arrogance on my part, or perhaps stupidity anyway. Two traits that I'm not proud of.

Anyways, I love this song, it's my heart and prayer. I value relationships with those I care about and love, but only for the last year have I truly started treating my Savior like that. And though He has my heart as His permanent captive, I want to give Him my reverence, belief in miracles, passion, thoughts, dreams, and life as well.

So this is my prayer today, whatever else comes my way in life I'll be flexible and listen to Your calling...but may I never be flexible where you fit in my heart Lord. You are my Alpha and Omega, my purpose and the only one that can save a wretch like me. I won't treat that lightly. And should I ever falter in that, do whatever you have to do to bring me back, no matter the cost.

After all, what do I know of Holy?