Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Only a Fool

How do you explain to someone, whom you love, that you don't care about the things that "should" matter? Better yet, when in the argument, how do you help them to see that their perception of reality doesn't really matter...if Jesus was truly what we Christians believe He was?

I was thinking about these thoughts and more last night. I'd been arguing with my dad again. Not badly, quite civilly, but arguing hurts nonetheless.

I don't care about money, as long as I can function on what I have. I don't care about danger, as long as I'm going where I'm needed. I don't care that everything I do is wrong, I gave that to God a long time ago. I don't care that life throws a curve ball, I'm not focused on life's game.

I honestly stopped caring about those things, is that so insane? It seems like the only logical step to me. In fact, I honestly don't care about the concepts of heaven or hell anymore. You see, I don't love Jesus the way I should...but I love Him so much for what He did for me. If there was truly nothing after death, I'd still live this tiny amount of time for Him. If He was going to burn in hell for eternity, then send me with Him.

Don't we get it? It's not about life or death. It's not about eternity. It's not about being good enough or bad enough.

It's about love. He loved me enough to die for me. I love him enough to live for him.

I'm sorry if that seems insane, ridiculous, or idiotic.

This world means nothing to me, compared to Him. If death awaits, let me greet it with arms high and my face beaming and smiling :)