Friday, April 30, 2010

Gym Thoughts

I'm sitting in the gym of my church, in a small sound booth as Thousand Foot Crutch and the sound of dodgeball fill my head.

I've been thinking about how easy/difficult it can be to keep my composure in different situations and environments.

I guess what I'm saying is this:

What distracts us from God and what helps us focus on Him?

There's a difference in us. Right? We are supposed to be set apart right? I hope we can show that daily.

Switching gears.

Come Saturday, I'm a college graduate. I can't even begin to express the feelings and thoughts that go through my head. So I guess, for the moment, I won't. Though I will say...I'm not who I was when I started college. Lstm, actually I'm not even who I was 3 months ago. I'm not really that sure of anything in my future, but I'm willing to trust Him with everything.

Everything in my life, beauty and shame, laughter and tears, pain and is part of a bigger picture. A bigger painting. And I'm okay with that :) Cause I've seen the previous masterpieces created by this Artist, and that's all I've needed to see to believe.

He's the only one that won't let me down. He's the only one that won't let you down.


Deanna said...

You are graduating. Wow! What an amazing and incredible accomplishment, Daniel. I am so proud of you. God has such a huge plan for your life. It is such an honor to be your friend and support you in any way that we can!