Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 2

"Read John 6:60-69

1. Is there anything occupying God's place in your heart?

2. Has God ever given you "hard teachings"?

3. Have you ever chosen to go your own way, even when you knew it was against God's will?

4. What happened as a result?

5. Have you ever been tempted to walk away from God because it is difficult to follow Him?

6. Why did you stay?

7. Journal any thoughts you may have."

Lstm, God you DO have a sense of humor. My whole life was spent avoiding God, BECAUSE of His "hard teachings". Since becoming a christian I tend to let many things take God's place in my heart...but I keep trying anyway. My life made sense before now...but it had no meaning. Sometimes the things happening in my life right now make no sense whatsoever...but have all the meaning in the world. I stay because He's the only constant I have, and by golly let it not be said that I don't try, with every ounce of strength in me, to return the favor!