Saturday, July 3, 2010

Let's Do This!

Captain's Log - Stardate 7310

I embark upon my mission to D.R. in 2 hours and 37 minutes.

My day started as a bit of a struggle, but the Supreme Commander put many of his finest on the task of preparing my heart for the coming voyage.

I was reminded by 5 of His saints that I was valued and capable, something that I wasn't feeling at the time...the leader of the Deaomon people has held nothing back in his assaults, not that I'm complaining mind you, I'll stand with the Supreme Commander anyday!

Captain Daniel C. Wilson


I'm ready.

I'm tired.

I'm ready to not be tired.

I've chosen to face Satan, and it's been a rough ride, I'm weaker than I thought.

This is a good thing. Maybe I'll learn to trust in God's strength more.

I got 3 incredibly special texts from friends tonight. And I had many others remind me that they cared and believed in me. God has never stopped teaching me that my strength can't come from comes from without.

Don't get me wrong, I believe we all have inner strength, but it's only by the strength of God and His strength through those that love Him that we can continuously go strong.

As I go to show the love of God to the people of the Dominican Republic, I remember that He first showed His love for me...and still does...every day of my life!

He died for me. Now I live for Him.


Deanna said...

Our prayers are surrounding you as you go to DR. I pray God's love, peace, strength will shine through you as you walk the streets of DR. I also pray that you will be refreshed in your spiritual walk too.

Love you!