Saturday, July 17, 2010


Broken. A desire that my physical body has taken to faster than my spirit has. I broke my arm last night while playing with some of the Middle Schoolers. I spent most of my night trying to find a position that didn't put any pressure on it. I took prescription pain medicine last night but it's causing me to throw up and I've started running a fever...blah.

However, I have to admit, I find a good bit of humor in this situation (After all...I broke my elbow not my "funny" bone ;)

The humor comes from the fact that earlier this year I was praying for God to break me until I was solely dependent on Him. I realized about a week ago that though He got through to me through those moments...that He's going to have to keep going....

And now I'm physically broken somewhere, it's ironic :)

And it forced me to go to the doctor today...just like our spiritual brokenness should cause us to go to, our spiritual healer, Jesus Christ.

So as I thought on the fact that I'm now one-handed I realized...that's a good 5 out of ten fingers! And 5 fingers is an awful lot more than 0! :D

I think God can use the fact that I'm physically dependent in some ways that I haven't remind me to be spiritually dependent in some of the ways that I haven't been as well.

So as I laugh about the irony of praying to be broken, I realize that I still drastically need God to conquer every part of my being...with it's permission or with it's full defeat and utter brokenness.

May Your power fall, may Your voice be heard, come and change my heart as I stand on Your word...Holy Spirit Reign Down.....


Deanna said...

God always answers our prayers, doesn't He? OW!