Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Little gods, distraction and lies.

"Little gods. We all have them, whether we sought them out intentionally or over time drifted towards them. We each have a tendency to make something or someone, other than God, the center of our lives. We do it through the decisions we make each day - what we talk about, what gets most of our time, what consumes our thoughts. We look for something or someone to be something for us that it was never meant to fully be or do."

Satan has learned the tricks to keeping us effective. He knows that we won't fall for the more direct assaults, so he stays subtle. He knows he just has to distract or prevent us with the little things.

You love God, but you don't have to be "weird" about it.

It's not wrong to spend as much time as you have on these things, at least they're not "bad" things.

It's been a long time sense you've actually done any good for God.

You keep messing these things up, just don't bother trying.

Nobody misses you, nobody thinks about you, have you been reminded today...?

Prayer doesn't have the power you wish it did, don't bother.

God will forgive you, so you don't worry about'll mess up anyway, just keep doing it.

It's too late to start over.

It's too hard to follow through with it.

You won't succeed.

You aren't good enough, leave it for someone that is....

But now God has shown us a way to be made right with him without keeping the requirements of the law, as was promised in the writings of Moses and the prophets long ago. We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are.

For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, with undeserved kindness, declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood. This sacrifice shows that God was being fair when he held back and did not punish those who sinned in times past, for he was looking ahead and including them in what he would do in this present time. God did this to demonstrate his righteousness, for he himself is fair and just, and he declares sinners to be right in his sight when they believe in Jesus.

Can we boast, then, that we have done anything to be accepted by God? No, because our acquittal is not based on obeying the law. It is based on faith. So we are made right with God through faith and not by obeying the law.

After all, is God the God of the Jews only? Isn’t he also the God of the Gentiles? Of course he is. There is only one God, and he makes people right with himself only by faith, whether they are Jews or Gentiles. Well then, if we emphasize faith, does this mean that we can forget about the law? Of course not! In fact, only when we have faith do we truly fulfill the law. Romans 3:21-31

The truth is that you are ready. Today is the day. Prayers will change this world. Faith will move mountains. Hearts can be revived and be reminded of a passion long forgotten. If Satan has kept us in the dark, it's time for us to open our eyes to the light that's been right in front of us the entire time.

"Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work."

If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million enemies. Yet distance makes no difference. He is praying for me."

Don't lose heart! We are God's children and forgiven! It's time to live like it!