Friday, September 17, 2010


God never gives up. :)

When Joseph was dropped into a pit by his own brothers, God didn't give up.

When Moses said, "Here I am, send Aaron," God didn't give up.

When the delivered Israelites wanted Egyptian slavery instead of milk and honey, God didn't give up.

When Peter worshiped Him at the supper and cursed Him at the fire, He didn't give up.

When I rejected His truth and said, "I'll never believe in You," He didn't give up.

Though I make mistakes everyday, He never, ever, gives up on me.

And when my hands fastened the divine hands to a cross with spikes, it wasn't the soldiers who held the hands of Jesus steady. It was God who held them steady. God, who would give up His only son before He'd give up on you and me.

"God's business is putting things right." Psalm 11:7 MSG

Jesus, You are ridiculously INDESCRIBABLE! God, I don't deserve you! Thank God, literally, that none of us get what we deserve! :D