Thursday, September 23, 2010

Enough is Enough!


We need to talk. Here's the thing, I haven't been able to be myself in a few days...3 to be exact...and well, when I am - it's been a constant battle against self. And I'm really weak right now, frustrated that I've given you any ground at all lately. I've been hurting, tired, frustrated and even scared. It's like fighting you everyday, but always feeling like I'm barely holding, or worse - Losing ground! Don't you know that you're not supposed to have power over me? Better yet, don't I know it?!? After all, I've been praying against this very thing since it started. I know the cause isn't anything or anyone here, it's the demons you sent to take places in my life....

So tell your flunkies to get away from here. Now.

Better yet, allow me:

"Demons, there is a clearing of my heart, mind and soul in this moment. A clearing of my eyes. I see you now, and I recognize the part you've had in me. It seems you like to keep coming back to finish what you started years and years ago....

But I recognize something more now...I know you no longer have a hold on me anymore! You, my uninvited "friends", are scabs that have just fallen from a sore. I have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ, and I claim that cleansing now.

I was born for this "New Life" were just hoping I wouldn't claim it weren't you? Well I do! I won't live for the demons in my life. I see you - selfishness, bitterness, pride, hurt, fear, lust, tyranny, hate, doubt, pain, lies, anger, frustration, gossip, and the rest of you that I don't recognize on sight. I banish all of you, in the power of Christ. And in Christ alone! I, a child of the Most High, brother of Jesus the Nazarene, Possessor of The Holy Spirit, Saint in the battle the rages daily...with the Authority of my Savior, Jesus Christ, give you place in my life and heart no more! Be gone!

I see you all! But I see them too! God's angels, and I recognize them too - Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-control, Humility, Forgiveness, Healing, Courage, Modesty, Benevolence, Faith, Truth, and the rest of His Heavenly Host! :D

I've started this letter to let you know how much power you had over me...and how I resented it. But now, I thank you for it! Because I needed to feel overwhelmed, I needed to be disgruntled, I needed to struggle with your forces. Why? Simple, because I needed to realize that it was you, Beelzebub, that was attacking my mind. God has already beat you. :) You have no power over me, except what I give you :) You have failed oh dark ones, I am a son of the light. Flawed yet Holy. Sinner yet Saint. Fallen but Redeemed!

I will still encounter pains, but I'll embrace those pains. I would not barter them for any earthly pleasure. All the delights of sense, heart, or intellect, with which you could once have tempted me, even the delights of virtue itself, now seem in comparison to the half nauseous attractions of a raddled harlot would seem to a man who hears that his true beloved whom he has loved all his life and whom he had believed to be dead is alive and even now at his door! I am caught up in a world where pain and pleasure take on the transfinite values and all our knowledge is dismayed. I guess you could say that I've been reintroduced to the inexplicable ;) And I like it!!! :)

Thank you demons! I know where I've been, where I am, and where I'm going! I will be a better friend, brother, and man. Not by my strength, but through my flaws! I will forgive, forget, and love my neighbors and my enemies. I will recognize the presence of darkness, and seek my strength in the giver of light! My God is the God who saves! He is Mighty to Save!

Thanks for your time satan ;)

Never Yours,


*ROUND TWO STARTS NOW! (and I read the ending already ;)*



Amy said...

Fantastic! Love love love.

Anonymous said...

Inspiring. :)

Audra said...

Amen! :)

Rick Renfroe said...

So, I was determined to actually be studying Hebrew now & I ended up picking up my Bible &praying and reading instead first. I had read this blog.. and in my somewhat planned/unplanned reading.. that would seem coincidental (but isn't because God works all things to the good of those that call on him).. I saw something that directly applies to your situation. I really felt God drawing me to share it.

Luke 10: 1-24-- read it all for full understanding and context.. but focus on 17-20 if you would. It seems this is what was pushed on me to share with you.. via Holy Spirit.

The disciples were overjoyed that they had power over the demons and spirits.. they could command them to leave. However, Jesus told them that the greater thing was that they had a home in heaven. Power over anything was slighted by that alone.

You have no need to inundate the demons and spirits with scripture even half as much as you have need to just give thanks that all is in God's hands.. that you have a home with him.. and that he is working all things together for YOU!!!.. even before you preach a sermon to the devil.... even before you show the demons that you truly know your savior.. even before you lie down or stand up or blink an eye.

Jesus says "I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.."

He says that the battle is the LORD's and that your biggest thing is giving thanks in all circumstances.. in acknowledging that he has already taken care of it. Even before Abraham was HE IS! Even before you were first attacked by any notion of Satan or his minions.. HE WAS!!!

He is that he is!!!
The great "I AM".. is over your home. You are a guest.. and as a guest of your heavenly home.. The great "I AM" protects you from outsider attacks. It is simply him being the gracious, heavenly host that he is.

Amen & Amen.
I write this at 2:40am. & I tell you that it is with joy that I am able to do so. This is more profitable than sleep. For to me to remain watchful is better. I do not want Christ to tell me "Why could you not stay up a mere hour and stand watch with me in prayer?"

Grace & love to you Daniel.