Monday, November 23, 2009

The Injury

I promised a friend of mine that I would post again once I had watched a particular episode of the office, so I did. For those of you that aren't familiar with "The Office" or are and are curious about which's a summary (Daniel Style).

Michael Scott accidentally burns his foot while grilling bacon on his George Foreman grill, in bed. An interesting method to say the least... When Dwight Schrute comes to "rescue" him, he crashes his car into "the pole" and suffers a concussion. I suppose I should feel like a terrible person for thoroughly enjoying the "new Dwight". However, simply put, the injury makes Dwight more likable and much nicer to his co-workers, particularly Pam.

Not surprisingly, Michael becomes upset with the staff's lack of compassion towards his "disability" (hilarious), and brings in Billy Merchant, who uses a wheelchair, to discuss what it is like to be disabled. BIG SURPRISE: Billy soon leaves after Michael makes several offensive remarks, but not before pointing out to Jim that Dwight has suffered a concussion. Lstm.

Jim and Michael take Dwight to the hospital where Michael insists that his burned foot is a more serious injury than Dwight's blunt force trauma. Before they go, Pam bids "goodbye" to the concussed Dwight, aware that she will probably never see the good-natured version of Dwight Schrute ever again...probably the saddest ending in the history of television. I cried for hours...well not really....