Monday, January 24, 2011

It Begins

And so it begins. I've known for over a year that this day would come...the day that I moved to Alabama and started jumping through hoops to get the education I would need for my career. I argued God then, but I knew where I was called. So, I've honored the call. *sighs here*

Don't get me wrong, I love Alabama (though I'm a Mississippi Boy now, at heart) - but I wish that it didn't come at the cost of all the places, people and decisions I've been around. My Family, Meagan, my friends, my church, my home. Not that I lose them...but even to leave for a time...well, it hurts. But I won't be that guy.

I will see this as my mission field, and my chance to prepare for the next step that God allows me to take in this life. I'm determined. I'm passionate. And I will fight Satan and his minions with all the power that Christ gives me!

I've decided to start exercising and eating healthily while here. I've also decided to do a Chronological Read through of the entire Bible this year (with Meagan, for support and accountability). I'm checking into McAlister's tomorrow, for a short term job, AND I'm doing plenty of reading into aspects of the SWK program at Alabama and prep for it! *whew!* Time to rock and roll! I ask for prayer and support - as I do all that I can to live my life in a way that brings honor and glory to Our Father.



Deanna said...

You have been constantly on my heart and mind. I was sick Sunday and couldn't go to church. I was almost glad because I knew it wouldn't hit me yet that you aren't there.

Already ready for your first visit home!

So proud of you and your dedication to finish this last part of your education!

Love you and promise to let us know if you need anything, OK?


Betsy said...

Remember: you have two rocks in Tuscaloosa that are here for you whenever you may need them :)