Saturday, October 16, 2010


The battle cry resounds in all of our hearts...but are we afraid to answer it? Why?

Do we only believe that the rich can help the poor? Why?

Do we only believe that the educated can teach us? Why?

Do we only believe that the other nations need missionaries? Why?

Do we only believe that our nation needs missionaries? Why?

Do we only believe that we can help others if we graduate? Why?

Do we only believe that we are truly helping others if we live in their same conditions? Why?

Do we only believe that we can't help others if we live in their same conditions? Why?

Do we believe that we have fallen short of our purpose? Why?

Do we believe that it's too late? Why?

Do we believe that we made a mistake? Why?

Do we believe that we have it all together? Why?

Do we believe that things are worth lying for? Why?

Do we believe that we should live for joy? Why?

Do we believe that we should live for pain? Why?

Do we believe that we should look a certain way? Why?

Do we believe that we should act a certain way? Why?

Do we believe that Jesus is our savior? Why?

Do we act like we believe the way we live, laugh, love, hope, dream, trust, lead, teach, preach, talk, move, think, fight, submit, heal, break, hurt, pursue, sing, breathe, feel, and pray? Why?

Each of us have a unique calling from God. We are asked to respond to His battle cry...some follow through standing...some through falling. Some follow through teaching, others through following. Some follow through giving everything, some through maintaining to give that way. Some follow through seeking a relationship, some through avoiding one. Some follow through PHD's and education, some through no academic learning of any kind. Some follow through charging in front and center, some through working behind the scenes. Some follow through passions, some through a lack there of. Some follow through discipline, some follow through a lack there of. Some follow through waiting, some through acting instantly.

The point that needs to be grasped here is this:

Why? Only God knows an individual's heart. If God tells someone else to do things that we don't understand or intend on doing, would we truly know? If God wants us to be His missionaries to "all the world"...wouldn't it make sense that in the grand scheme some missionaries would be local and some foreign. If God wants us to reach "all people" wouldn't he have some educated and non-educated followers? Wouldn't He use the rich that love Him and the poor that love Him?

Our way of thinking is dangerous. God's is downright uncompromisable. With God all things are possible. Remember? So if God is in OUR hearts - shouldn't we believe in others when no one else does? If God is in OUR hearts - shouldn't we KNOW that pain will come, YET rejoice in it? If God is in OUR hearts - shouldn't ALL things work for OUR good? If God is in OUR hearts - shouldn't we be OPPOSED to the world's view of truth? If God is in OUR hearts - shouldn't we shine even when NOBODY else does? If God is in OUR hearts - isn't EVERY day worth being joyful over?

If God is in OUR hearts - shouldn't we be dancing and grinning and ready to praise Him for SAVING us for ETERNITY with Him in the ONLY REALITY that REALLY MATTERS AT ALL - God's.

The Battle cry has been sounded. Will you fight the voices in your head that aren't of God? God CAN use the good and bad, the right choices you've made thus far and the wrong ones, the lifestyles of a Mother Teresa, a Saul-turned Paul, or a you. Will you let Him? Or will you listen to Satan tell you how to keep living a life that God has "given" you?
