Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Only in You

I can only move, when I move in You.

I can only breathe, when I breathe in You.

I can only rest, when I rest in You.

I can only choose, when I choose in You.

I can only surrender, when I surrender in You.

I can only succeed, when I succeed in You.

I can only laugh, when I laugh in You.

I can only love, when I love in You.

I can only trust, when I trust in You.

I can only hope, when I hope in You.

I can only stand, when I stand in You.

I can only be strong, when I'm strong in You.

I can only be humble, when I'm humble in You.

I can only show courage, when I show courage in You.

I can only do right, when I do right in You.

I can only believe, when I believe in You.

I can only have faith, when I have faith in You.

I can only stop thinking of You....well that day will NEVER come.

I can be all things good, but only in You. Only in You, can I let Your will be done. So, Abba, let Your will be done, always. If it costs me something, or everything. If I gain the world, or lose it. If i live or if I die. I will obey. Only in You. Only in You. Can I truly be myself.


Betsy said...

Just to share...I printed this out and am keeping a copy with me at all times because of how true it is. I've been relying on my own power lately to get me through life, and I've fallen to the point where I've realized that I truly can do nothing apart from God. This post is a great reminder and encourager of that :)