Friday, September 10, 2010


It's the weekend! Well, close enough to qualify anyway.

I have a confession to make. I really, really want to be somewhere else right now....

I desire to be a cowboy, out riding into the sunset. I desire to be a bard, playing across the land. I desire to be a hero, standing against the onset of evil. I desire to be a wanderer, roaming the hills of Europe. I desire to be...for the moment...somebody else.

I suppose I should clarify, I don't really mean's a thought that just needs sleep to pass. I LOVE my life. I always will! It's a gift from God, and I'm blessed beyond belief. And if I wanted to take this point a step farther, since I've been back from Fort Worth, I'm a new man, with a new found faith. A new passion, joy, and trust. In other words, I'm SOO glad to be where I am. I wouldn't trade the people in my life for the world!

....I just...I really want an Adventure that takes everything in me to complete! I want a challenge that leaves me exhausted, but satisfied...knowing I overcame! I want to look evil in the face and challenge it head on! Is it sad to know that being a real man is about what's on the inside, not the outside...and yet still feel the need to measure up? To desire to know that I could be a William Wallace from Braveheart? Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice? Maximus from Gladiator? Luke from Star Wars? Aragorn from Lord of the Rings? Peter from Narnia? Moses, Gideon, Samuel, Daniel, Elijah!

But you don't judge by appearance. You judge the heart of a man. Lord bring me back to the place I need to be, it's all about you...and not about me. It's about my heart and not my stature, help me to seek you...through tears and laughter! I know these thoughts won't consume me, but I still request that You teach me to see. That my desires should be on one thing alone, ending my life knowing that Your light in me shown!


Betsy said...

This post makes me think about one of the main topics that Donald Miller has been talking about on his blog lately--that going through life is truly like writing your own story. And you can make your story as exciting as you want to, no matter where God has placed you for the moment.

You see, even the smallest actions have the potential to changes lives.

For example, in the movie "While You Were Sleeping" Sandra Bullock talks tells Peter that he's a hero. He says he's not. She says that she sees him give up his seat on the train everyday. He say's that's not heroic. And then she says this:

"It is to the person who sits in it." have more chances to be heroic than you may think that you do. So keep your eyes open!

Deanna said...

Be careful what you wish for... God loves to give us the desires of our hearts!

Amy said...

Edmund, not Peter. Peter's cool, but Edmund is cooler. (: