Saturday, August 28, 2010

Dedication - Samwise Chambers

I'm dedicating this post to Sam Chambers, a solid Christian brother and dear friend. Let it not be said that I forget to dedicate on time Master Samwise ;)

So anyways, I was speaking to Sam earlier today, catching up, since I hadn't spoken to him since he'd moved out. And, in our conversation, he mentioned that he had been thinking about how the greatest calling we had in each of our lives is to be a...servant. Wow, in my head I know this...but having it stated out loud seems to give it even more power and significance :)

Sam, since I've met you, I've looked up to you.

You're willing to be compassionate, sincere, and to show your emotions. Yet you are a man's man and are not afraid to take risks or to stand up for what you believe is right. There are very few renaissance men left, and not a large number of cowboys or gentleman either...yet you've managed to combine the three. I love you and Heather both, and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that yours is a relationship that is God-honoring. I count it an honor and privilege to stand beside you as your brother in Christ. And I'll always be willing to back you up, even to the gates of Hell and back, if that's where you needed me! I praise God for friends like you good sir! A servant and a leader, a fighter and a healer, and doer and a dreamer...may these be the qualities that you always embody. God be with you.

Your Brother,



Sam said...

Thanks for the ego boost :) the whole thing about being a servant is that it blows me away that the greatest call in our lives is also the most humble. It is a life changing thought, at least to me