Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 1

"Read Matthew 16:21-28

Answer the questions in a separate journal

1. How can you apply this passage to your life?

2. What are some examples of selfish ambitions, behaviors, attitudes, and desires?

3. Which of these have been a part of your life in the past few days? Be specific.

4. What are the patterns of your selfishness?

5. How can you stop these things?

6. What does it mean to take up your cross?

7. What are the benefits of denying yourself and taking up your cross to follow Jesus?

8. Is the reward worth the price to you?

9. Journal any thoughts you may have."


Valzaan87 said...

Today, as I was walking at the park, I started thinking about how small I was compared to God. I picked up a leaf from the left side of the walking track and held it in my hand. It was just like all the other leaves, but at the same time it was completely unique. I then felt the wind blowing it, such a delicate thing this leaf... Finally, I let it go. It slowly floated to the right side of the track.

I realized then that I'm just like that leaf. Sometimes God simply has to pick up something as insignificant as me...and I'm reminded of which side I truly want to be on. :)